[IRCNews] Stanley Hails, W9WBL SK

Ken Bandy kj9b at arrl.net
Wed Mar 18 08:43:55 CDT 2009

I received word this morning of the passing of Stanley Hails, W9WBL.  Here
is the message I received from a relative of his:

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Spriggs [mailto:spriggsp at gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 8:43 AM
To: kj9b at arrl.net
Subject: Indianapolis Ham Question


I relative of mine recently passed away, and he has been a lifelong HAM
operator.  His name is Stanley Hails (w9wbl).   You may have known him, or
be familiar with his work, as he made keys under the label WBL Designs.  I
do not know if he was a member of the IRC, but if so, I wanted to make your
organization aware of his passing.  Also, he has quite a bit of equipment
which may be of some use to members of your organization.  I am looking for
someone who is knowledgeable about HAM equipment, as well as the materials
he may have been using to make his keys.  I can be reached via email or at
the phone number listed below.  It is actually my personal cell, but I use
it with the company I am working for now.  

Thank you,
Stephen Spriggs, Together We Can, QMRP/Director of Operations
Indianapolis, IN 46260
Phone: 441-1900
Fax:  255-5330

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