[IRCNews] Results of the IRC Field Day 2010

Thomas Chance k9xv at arrl.net
Mon Jul 5 17:30:01 CDT 2010


I first want to thank everyone who participated during the 3rd Annual IRC
Field Day.  I consider it a success.  I have just submitted our scores to
the ARRL.

Here is the score summary:

  BAND            MODE               QSOs
        3.5                LSB                139
        3.5                 CW                 33
        7.0                LSB                475
        7.0                 CW                 85
       14.0                USB                401
       14.0                 CW                453
       21.0                 CW                 94
       50.0                USB                 78
     GOTA               USB                 20

Total QSOs    1778

Total CW:  665  (These count for 2 points each)

Our final submitted score was 5,876

I will be booking the Marion County Fairgrounds within the next week.  So be
ready for next year!

Have a great summer!


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