[IRCNews] Change for May 2 testing session

Ken Bandy, KJ9B kj9b at arrl.net
Sun Apr 10 21:06:34 CDT 2011

>From Jim Rinehart, K9RU:

Due to the unexpected death of Mike Koss, W9SU I had to find a new location
for the May 2nd exam session.   With help from Chuck, W9IH and the Salvation
Army, the location will be at the Salvation Army Headquarters Building on
3100 N Meridian Street.   This is north of the Training Center where the
Indianapolis Radio Club meets and on the west side of the street.   Parking
is in the back and use the rear door.

Sponsor: W9IMS Amateur Radio Club
Date: May 02 2011 
Time: 6:30 PM (Walk-ins allowed) 
Contact: James K. Rinehart
(317) 356-1908
Email: k9ru.indy at gmail.com
Location: The Salvation Army-Indiana Divisional Headquarters
3100 N Meridian Street
Use rear entrance.
Indianapolis IN 46218-2169

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