[IRCNews] Another ITN move

Ken Bandy, KJ9B kj9b at arrl.net
Mon Nov 21 05:43:33 CST 2011


The Indiana Traffic Net (ITN) has had its share of issues trying to find a
home on 75 Meters at 6 PM Eastern/5 PM Central.  But, we are pretty sure we
have found a home.  so, please put it out to all your net members that the
ITN will be on 3940 at 2300Z (6 PM Eastern/5 PM Central) starting with the
Monday evening session, 11/21/11.

We are sorry for the jumping around this past week and appreciate everyone's

Thank You all very much.  See you on the net.

73 all!

Lou Everett, Sr., WA5LOU

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