[IRCNews] April Meeting Reminder

Ken Bandy, KJ9B kj9b at arrl.net
Mon Apr 9 06:43:05 CDT 2012

To all interested in Amateur Radio and related areas: Don't miss the next
meeting of the Indianapolis Radio Club, this coming Friday, April 13, at
7:00 pm.

The meeting will be held at the North Meridian Center of IVY Tech.  This is
the old AUL building located just north of Fall Creek Parkway, east of
Illinois Street.  Point your browser to
http://indyradioclub.org/pictures/IVYTech_map.pdf  to see a map.  The
building marked "NMC" is where the meeting will be.

Tom Chance, K9XV, will be giving his annual antenna presentation.  This is
always an informative presentation, so if you are at all interested in what
makes a good antenna a better antenna, by all means plan on making this

If you have any antenna projects that you have been working on, please plan
on sharing them at this meeting.

Hope to see you there!


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