[IRCNews] Note regarding volunteers for southern Indiana

Ken Bandy, KJ9B kj9b at arrl.net
Tue Mar 6 09:28:33 CST 2012

>From WA5LOU, Indiana Traffic Net Manager:

Please do not announce on your nets, anymore, if you have been, for the need
of radio ops in the Tornado affected area.  The leadership there has
informed our SEC that at the present time they are doing good and do not
need any more assistance.  At least for a while.  It appears we have had
many GREAT volunteers.  So, we are to wait for further direction, on this.

Y'all have a GREAT day.

73 and God Bless!

Lou Everett, Sr., WA5LOU

ARRL Indiana Section Traffic Manager
ARRL Net Manager, Indiana Traffic Net

Ken, KJ9B

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