[IRCNews] Jeff Skinner, NN7C, SK

Ken Bandy, KJ9B ken.kj9b at gmail.com
Sun Aug 26 19:02:14 CDT 2018

Word has been received that Jeff Skinner, NN7C, passed away this morning.
Jeff was recently diagnosed with late stage Pancreatic Cancer.  Fortunately,
his family was with him during his final days.  As Brent Walls, N9BA, said,
"Jeff was one of the most considerate, generous, and sincere people I have
known in my life. Jeff genuinely enjoyed helping others whether it was with
a project or at a Public Service Event using his radio skills."

According to Brent, a celebration of Jeff's life will be forthcoming in the
Indianapolis area.  As details become available, they will be distributed.

Ken, KJ9B

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