[IRCNews] Field Day Info

Ken Bandy, KJ9B ken.kj9b at gmail.com
Tue Jun 5 09:27:30 CDT 2018

Field Day Operation June 23rd and 24th will be at the Victor Conservation

We had planned to operate from Camp Belzer again this year but found out the
scouts had an activity on Saturday which limited our operation. 

The Field Day Committee, made up of members from the different club
patriating in the IRC joint field operation look for other sites without
much luck.

Jim Rinehart, K9RU suggested the Victor Conservation Club the RCA ARC had
operated there in the 70s.  

Brian Smith, W9IND contacted the Victor Conservation Club to see if we could
rent that site and they came back with a positive answer. 

We have access to the Club house, grounds and the shelter.

We plan to operate in 3A with one station committed to HF Phone and one HF
CW. A 3rd station will be a swing station for HF Phone, CW, or  PSK31
(digital).  The CW station will be setup in Dave Gingrich's RV and the HF
phone, the swing station and the VHF will be in the club house.

There will be a VHF station as well as a GOTA station. The GOTA station will
be setup in the shelter.

We are looking at setting up the antennas Friday evening to allow us to make
changes if needed.

The Victor Conservation Club,
ce=g> 6675 Red Day Road, Martinsville (but it's actually near Centerton on
State Road 67) is perched near the top of a southern Indiana hill that
towers above State Road 67 below. How much above the highway? Well,
elevation at the conservation club is about 875 feet, whereas elevation on
State Road 67 below is only 650 feet! No wonder the back road to the top
takes a steep upward turn as you access it from the bottom of the hill. 

Here's a 3D view of the site on Google Maps:

Check out Dave Gingrich's excellent photos of the site (if you click on one
of them, you can scroll through them all):
<https://www.icloud.com/sharedalbum/#B0gGDdyTvG3RiHa> Victor Conservation
Club photos



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