[IRCNews] Please support our new Ivy Tech student hams!

Samuel Wilson wilsonsamuelg at gmail.com
Sat Apr 13 08:19:49 CDT 2019


I would donate a hotspot with a nextion screen for the room too if that is
something they want, if they could get a cheap dmr radio or something I
would show how to use it too.


On Thursday, April 11, 2019, David Spoelstra <davids at mediamachine.com>

> First off, an introduction. Here are our newly licensed hams in the Ivy
> Tech ham shack. We've already had several of them on the air and one made a
> 10m SSB contact.
> [image: 20190323_171824.jpg]
> They are from left to right:
> KD9MVK Quinton Ritter
> KD9MVN Augustine Busch
> KD9MVJ Jahrael Shabzultvorn
> KD9MVM Karla Jimenez-Vasquez
> KD9MVL Austin Owens
> and we have two more that are taking the exam this or next month.
> In the last survey I sent out, everyone wanted to support and get new hams
> into the hobby. Jim K9RU and I have been spending countless hours doing
> just that.
> Now it's your chance to help with that goal. As you know, band conditions
> are horrible and Techs only have SSB on 10m. So I want to get them on 2m,
> 220, & 440 as soon as possible.
> To accomplish that goal, I would like to purchase an HT for each student.
> Here's where you come in. *I need donations!*
> I want to purchase UV-5X3 tri-banders. They are $60 each. We will have
> seven licensed students in the next few months so I'll need $420. If I
> can't reach that goal, I'll drop back to UV-5Rs.
> All money will go toward purchasing HTs for the students. If I get more
> than I need, I'll use it for the next crop of students in the Fall 2019
> semester. Remember, this is our student club we support and the reason we
> get to meet at Ivy Tech.
> Please give anything you can. Please make checks out to "David Spoelstra".
> I won't be at the meeting this Friday, but you can give the money/checks
> to Jim K9RU. If you want to mail donations to me, my address is:
> David Spoelstra
> 3630 E 71st ST
> <https://maps.google.com/?q=3630+E+71st+ST+Indianapolis,+IN%C2%A0+46220&entry=gmail&source=g>
> Indianapolis, IN  46220
> <https://maps.google.com/?q=3630+E+71st+ST+Indianapolis,+IN%C2%A0+46220&entry=gmail&source=g>
> Thanks!
> -David, N9KT
> W9IVY Faculty Advisor and President of IRC and HDXCC
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