[IRCNews] FW: Ham Radio Equipment - For Sale

Ken Bandy, KJ9B ken.kj9b at gmail.com
Tue Jul 9 18:15:48 CDT 2019

Hello all.  This was received today from one of the daughters of a local silent key.  If you're in the market for some decent looking radio gear, contact Jana at her email address or phone number listed below.  To see the listing of gear, click on the link below the message that says "HAM RADIO EQUIPMENT".



Ken, KJ9B


From: Jana Spears [mailto:spearsjk44 at gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2019 11:06 AM
To: davids at mediamachine.com; dmiller at ivytech.edu; Kj9b at arrl.net; w9mgb at arrl.net; k9ru at arrl.net; W9TC at arrl.net
Subject: Ham Radio Equipment - For Sale


Good morning,


My dad, a licensed ham radio operator, KB9WMT, Malcolm Jantzen, passed away last December; we, his 4 daughters, have his radio equipment that we need to sell.


Please feel free to pass this inventory list on to anyone or any organization whom you feel might be interested.  We have them all together and even have some more radio equipment found in the garage but the list represents what he had set up in the house for daily/nightly use.  Thank you in advance.


Jana Spears

spearsjk44 at gmail.com




 <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NE7kjhDGELx2L3qqve1Jf8X_ybxgy893XZDrlveTuM0/edit?usp=drive_web>  HAM RADIO EQUIPMENT

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