[IRCNews] IRC Classes at Indy Hamfest

JEFF HAMMER jghammer1 at comcast.net
Wed Jul 10 07:59:43 CDT 2019


A big thanks to Dave Michaels, N1RF, for volunteering to conduct four LEGO antenna classes.  A few other members have offered to teach but I don't have anything concrete.

N1RF is using the following time blocks:

Friday: 3-4pm and 5-6 pm. 

Saturday: 9-10 am and 11-Noon.

Other topics that members have offered are radio astronomy, mentoring, and QSLing.  I need names, call signs, and times to go with these classes.  You can teach them once or as many times as you like.  They can be 15 minutes or up to an hour.  Please get me the info by Thursday so that we can get it into the announcement schedule and on the website.  Thanks for volunteering!



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