[IRCNews] Indianapolis Radio Club Buddy Check

Mel Crichton kj9c at att.net
Mon Mar 23 09:27:56 CDT 2020

We are fine here but not really confined indoors. There is a lot of open space in the Montana mountains, so we take the dogs for walks and keep our distance when we meet neighbors. 

The hiatus also provides an opportunity to do some solo work on the local Habitat for Humanity project. Getting a lot of prework done for when the volunteers return: laying out walls, cutting and marking plates, precutting studs, building small assemblies. Kinda nice not having to tell people what to do and making sure they are safe.

Off times .... ham radio of course. Eighty meters has been pretty good in the evening. And there are the Wednesday CWTs. We support our struggling local restaurants as much as we can with carry out.

Mel KJ9C

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