[IRCNews] REMINDER: IRC Zoom meeting info for Friday Sept 11 @ 7:30 pm

David Spoelstra davids at mediamachine.com
Thu Sep 10 08:25:52 CDT 2020

IRC Members-

The ARRL Frequency Measuring Test (FMT) is an operating event in which
amateurs compete to accurately measure the frequency of a transmitted
signal. In addition to honing frequency measurement skills, the FMT is also
an opportunity to learn about propagation effects.

Steve, W9TN, has participated in several FMTs and has placed in the highest
accuracy category multiple times. Steve will present the method and
equipment he uses to make measurements of HF signals with better than 100
milliHertz (0.100 Hz) accuracy. Surprisingly, you don't need expensive
equipment to get good results in the FMT. Steve will also present a method
anyone with a modern rig and WSJT-X software can use to get good

As a side note, Steve got me interested in the FMT and I've now used his
WSJT-X method and managed <1Hz accuracy in several FMT tests!

Our Zoom meeting will start at 7:30pm Friday Sept 11. The Zoom meeting will
be available starting at 7pm if you want to get on early and talk.

The link to the Zoom meeting is:

-David, N9KT
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