[IRCNews] October meeting reminder

Ken Bandy, KJ9B ken.kj9b at gmail.com
Mon Oct 9 06:21:06 CDT 2017

To all interested in Amateur Radio and related areas:  Don't miss the next
meeting of the Indianapolis Radio Club, this coming Friday, October 13, at
7:30 pm.  There will be an informal social time prior to the meeting,
starting around 7:00.


The meeting is in IVY Tech Building NMC, room 438.  This is the fourth floor
auditorium in the building at 50 W. Fall Creek Parkway, N Dr. (See map at



The program for this meeting will be on the new digital mode taking the HF
bands by storm, FT-8.  The program will be presented by Jim Rinehart, K9RU,
with assistance from Ken Bandy, KJ9B.  With any luck, we will have a working
HF station set up and be able to make some QSOs.


Hope to see everyone there!



Ken, KJ9B

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