[IRCNews] FW: Harold and Wally

Ken Bandy, KJ9B ken.kj9b at gmail.com
Mon Oct 1 21:51:46 CDT 2018

Please read below and if anyone can help this fellow out, please get in touch with him.  Thanks in advance!

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ryan LaPlante <laplanter at lewiscass.net>
Date: Sat, Sep 29, 2018 at 11:19 AM
Subject: Harold and Wally
To: <k9ru at arrl.net>


My father Frank is a ham radio operator. He is elderly and his memory is going. He is looking for a Harold on the SE side of Indy and a Wally in the Geist area. We can’t find their numbers here and he doesn’t remember their last names. Any help in tracking these gentlemen down we be helpful. They can email me at laplanter at lewiscass.net or call me on my phone at 317-341-0864. 

Thank you,

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