[IRCNews] FW: Harold and Wally

Ken Bandy, KJ9B ken.kj9b at gmail.com
Tue Oct 2 20:53:27 CDT 2018

Glad it all worked out for you, Ryan!

-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan LaPlante [mailto:laplanter at lewiscass.net] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2018 3:45 PM
To: Ryan LaPlante
Cc: Brian D. Smith; Ken Bandy, KJ9B; ircnews at indyradioclub.org
Subject: Re: [IRCNews] FW: Harold and Wally

I can’t thank each and everyone of you enough for your help. My mother passed away last week and she really took car of my dad. He was pretty upset when he couldn’t find these numbers as they would go to different ham fest together. I felt and kinda knew that this community was was pretty tight knit and with a google search I would find the help I needed. 

For what it’s worth my dad likes to tinker.  When I was younger he used to fix radios in the basement and sell them but unfortunately Parkinson’s has robbed him of his fine motor skills and some of his memory. 

Once again thank you to the Ham Radio Community!

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 2, 2018, at 3:33 PM, Ryan LaPlante <laplanter at lewiscass.net> wrote:
> Yes that is the Wally I was looking for. I found Harold as well. He has a radio shop on the South Side. 
> Thank you to all for your help. 
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 2, 2018, at 9:54 AM, Brian D. Smith <bdsmith at indy.net> wrote:
>> Ken, Ryan and all,
>> As a lifelong journalist, I've done plenty of online research in my time, so here's what I suggest:
>> 1. Check this map or one like it to find out Indianapolis-area zip codes: https://www.zipmap.net/Indiana/Marion_County/Indianapolis_city_(balance).htm
>> 2. Pick a zip code that covers the southeast side or the Geist area, then plug it in to the zip code box on this site: http://www.radioqth.net/ziplookup
>> 3. That will produce a list of all licensed hams in that zip code. The fastest way to find a Harold or a Wally is to hit CNTL-F, which will bring up a search box. You can try typing in "Wally" or "Harold," but don't search strictly by full name or nickname -- Wally could be short for Wallace, etc., so just type in "wal" or "har" and see where it takes you. Keep hitting the Return button till you've exhausted the "wal" or "har" names on the list.
>> 4. If you have no luck with one zip code, return to the zip lookup site and try a different southeast-side or Geist zip code.
>> But not so fast! I may have found the Wally that Ryan's dad is looking for. Plugging in the Geist zip code of 46236, I get this:
>> KC9INK     Gasiewicz, Wallace J     12/16/2025     Amateur Extra     46236
>> Could he the right guy?
>> 73,
>> Brian, W9IND
>> -----Original Message----- From: Ken Bandy, KJ9B
>> Sent: Monday, October 1, 2018 10:51 PM
>> To: ircnews at indyradioclub.org
>> Subject: [IRCNews] FW: Harold and Wally
>> Please read below and if anyone can help this fellow out, please get in touch with him.  Thanks in advance!
>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>> From: Ryan LaPlante <laplanter at lewiscass.net>
>> Date: Sat, Sep 29, 2018 at 11:19 AM
>> Subject: Harold and Wally
>> To: <k9ru at arrl.net>
>> Hi,
>> My father Frank is a ham radio operator. He is elderly and his memory is going. He is looking for a Harold on the SE side of Indy and a Wally in the Geist area. We can’t find their numbers here and he doesn’t remember their last names. Any help in tracking these gentlemen down we be helpful. They can email me at laplanter at lewiscass.net or call me on my phone at 317-341-0864.
>> Thank you,
>> Ryan

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