[IRCNews] ARISS Aug 4 & 5

Ken Bandy, KJ9B ken.kj9b at gmail.com
Tue Aug 4 06:14:16 CDT 2020

Thanks for the info, David.  I'll give it a shot.  It's pretty cool to receive an image from space on a handheld radio!



Ken, KJ9B


From: IRCNews [mailto:ircnews-bounces at indyradioclub.org] On Behalf Of David Spoelstra
Sent: Monday, August 03, 2020 9:57 PM
To: IRC News
Subject: [IRCNews] ARISS Aug 4 & 5


Get your 2m HTs ready for Aug 4 & 5. There will be another picture being transmitted from the ISS! If you successfully receive the picture, you can get a certificate!


Here is a schedule I did for all the passes over Indianapolis (using LOCAL times):

Aug 4 1:18-1:27pm

Aug 5 12:32-12:39pm

Aug 5 2:06-2:17pm


Remember, all you need to receive the picture is:

2m HT set to 145.800 MHz (a better antenna than the stock one would help)

Smartphone with software set to PD120 mode:

-Android: Robot36

-iOS: Black Cat Systems entitled “SSTV Slow Scan TV”


Have fun!

-David, N9KT


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