Indianapolis Radio Club

The Indianapolis Radio Club 1914

The Indianapolis Radio Club is a general interest ham radio group that was founded in 1914 and has met continuously since that time.

Meetings and Announcements :

November 8: Steve Van Frank, W9TN on Space Weather

The presentation is an introduction to space weather covering its major events and their
effects that are of interest to amateur radio operators during the current Cycle 25 solar
maximum. Terms such as solar flare, HF blackout, CME, geomagnetic storm, and aurora will
be described so that the typical ham will be able to better understand and even predict
these events using publicly available online data for space weather observations such as
the solar flux, K index, X-ray flux, and the solar wind.

At our November meeting, the club will hold its election of officers.
Watch your email for a form to order your personalized Indianapolis Radio Club Polo shirts.

The Monumental Marathon is approaching on November 9th and ham radio is once again being asked to support this race.
There are 26 stations to be staffed for the 5k, half marathon, and full marathon routes.
To get details and to register, go to marion county ares


The 2024-2025 Schedule of presentations for the Indianapolis Radio Club is practically full.

Here is what we have lined up (always subject to change, of course):

December 13: Annual Holiday Celebration “Pitch-in” "(members only)"
January 10: Eric Swartz, WA6HHQ, Co-Founder of Elecraft (via Zoom)
February 21 (date change due to Valentine’s Day): Dave Arland's annual CES update
March 14: Mike Sercer, WA9FDO, talking about his experiences in Armed Forces Radio.
April 11: Dale Hammer, K9NN speaking on the Reverse Beacon Network (RBN) system.
May 9: Bryce Bookwalter, KD9YEY will be presenting "Backpacking and Ham Radio”.
June 13: Annual Auction

Note that with the exception of the January meeting, all events above will be held at the Salvation Army EDS Facility, 4020 Georgetown Road, Indianapolis.

Support the Indianapolis Radio Club with your membership or donation